Lucent Heart Wiki
Mage photo

If you have a fascination with magic and would use it to destroy your foes and aid your allies, then the Mage path is the answer. You will be able to hone your attack spells by becoming a Wizard, or perfect your healing and support abilities as a Priest.

Active Skills[]

Type Icon Name Description
FrigidBoltIcon Frigid Bolt Water element spell. Fires a bolt of ice at a target every 1.1 seconds and reduces Movement Speed. Temporarily reduces target's Air Defense.
FireBallIcon Fire Ball Fire element spell. Cast a fireball at your enemy. Temporarily reduces target's Water Defense.
Untitled Self Preservation Recovers your HP.
Psyche'sGreaterHealIcon Psyche's Greater Heal Recovers a target's HP.

Passive Skills[]

Icon Name Description
EnlightmentIcon Enlightment Increases maxium MP.
MageRegaliaIcon Mage Regalia Enables you to equip scepters, magic swords and magic shields.